Agricultural Product Technology Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture
Mulawarman University

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THP Progress / News

THP Knowledge / E-learning (best accessed from Unmul Network)

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Webmail Unmul

Software Service

Lab users only

IMPORTANT Wannacry Patch !

Avast Free Antivirus Intranet installer for Lab Users [1 April 2017]
Avast Antivirus Update [12 May 2017]

WPS Office Intranet installer for Lab Users [25 April 2017]

Mendeley for Desktop (Windows 32 Bit) Intranet installer for Lab Users [1 April 2017]

GraphPad Prism Trial Intranet installer for Lab Users [version 5]

Spybot Search Destroy Free Intranet installer for Lab Users [15 July 2015]


Slackware Mirror version 14.2 upward only [5 May 2017]

Installing Virtualmail in Slackware v.1.8 | Full Documents [mixed in English and Bahasa]

rc.firewall with "modprobe -l" patch

Slackware book [in Bahasa]

Slackware Server Services [in Bahasa]

This page is maintained by Dr. Anton Rahmadi/THP/Faperta/Unmul
All rights reserved. 2014 onwards
NOTE: Server is in beta testing. There will be glitches and bandwidth limitation experienced while using the services